Pre-Qualifying Questionnaire


Could all Suppliers / Service Providers please provide ALL of the information requested?

KGK Genix is committed to improving business processes in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption, therefore relevant questions are included in the questionnaire.

If you are a company and are part of a group of companies, the responses in this schedule must be provided by you and not by a parent or holding company.

Please upload, where requested, any supporting documents. They will then be assessed with your questionnaire and stored electronically appropriately.

This questionnaire should take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your participation.


    Supplier Details
    Details of the Supplier / Service Provider

    Supplier Status*

    Scope of Supply*


    Do you have Employers Liability Insurance? Please upload your certificate.

    Do you have Public Liability Insurance?* Please upload your certificate.

    Business Background

    Please provide turnover for your last 3 financial years
    Please use this format: Year 1 - £4m | Year 2 - £6m | Year - £7m

    How many staff do you employ?*

    Do Employees who will be associated with the goods/services have the applicable qualification to fulfil their role?*

    Information Security Principles

    Do you have a Password Policy in place?*

    Are all mobile devices, laptops, tables, mobiles secured preferably by encryption?*

    Do you maintain an asset register that clearly identifies the number of mobile devices within your organisation?*

    Is there physical entry controls in place to restrict entry to authorised personnel only?*

    Do you have a Network Security Policy in place?*

    Please upload your information security or cybersecurity policy

    GDPR & Business Continuity

    Other than business contact details, will you be processing (eg, holding or accessing) our personal data (eg, names, addresses, email addresses of our employees or customers)?*

    Business Impact Analysis – do you undertake a business impact analysis of risks that may prevent normal business operations?*

    Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery – do you have documented business continuity/disaster recovery plans?*

    Quality Assurance

    Is your quality system approved to a recognised standard?*

    Have you had any major non-compliance in the last 5 years*

    Do you have a documented Quality Policy and manual?*

    Do you have a documented process for purchasing goods?*

    Do you measure supplier performance?*

    Are non-conforming products quarantined and reviewed?*

    Do you carry out risk assessments to prevent product failure?*

    Please upload your quality policy and any related manuals

    Safety, Health & Environmental

    Do you have a Health & Safety system approved to a recognised standard?*

    If yes, please upload a copy of your certificate?

    Please provide a copy of your Health & Safety Policy*

    Do you have an Environmental Management System approved to a recognised standard?*

    Have you had any SHE notifications or warnings at any time?

    Ethical Working

    Does your organisation have ethical working policies and procedures in place (equal opportunities, fair pay, freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, fair disciplinary procedures, the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, non-exploitation of vulnerable groups)?*

    Modern Slavery

    Does your organisation publish a statement on Modern Slavery? If yes, please attach the statement.

    Do you have a due diligence process in relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking?*

    Is training about Slavery and Human Trafficking available to your staff?*


    Do you use 3rd party labour providers?*

    The Supplier / Service Provider bidder shall give an indication the type of any work to be sub-contracted and the proportion of the contract (expressed as a percentage of total value) that they may sub-contract.*

    Do you have a due diligence process in relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking?

    Please attach any relevant documents.

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